New York Mets Make Another Rotation Change

Dan D. – June 12, 2015

Earlier today, Anthony DiComo, the Mets’ beat writer for, announced that the team would be starting Dillon Gee on Sunday instead of Noah Syndergaard, thus seemingly returning to the six-man rotation the team was supposed to have abandoned a short time ago.

We at the Avocado are proud to be the first to announce, however, that Mets manager Terry Collins has announced yet another change to his pitching rotation: all 25 men on the major league roster will cycle in and out of starting pitching duties.

“Considering all the injuries to the team lately, we decided that this would be our best option moving forward”, said Bjork J. Schlorp, Terry Collins’ personal assistant. When pressed as to why Collins thought this would be a good idea, Schlorp kept schtum, eventually evading the question by revealing that the team’s skipper has a strict predilection for 2-ply toilet paper.

The Avocado decided to concede that it would never receive a substantial answer to its original question, so we instead decided to ask Bjork why this was. “Well”, Schlorp sighed, “you see, during his contract negotiations, Terry held a hard line about Citi Field’s home clubhouse being fully stocked with three-ply Cottonelle ‘Tender Cheeks’ rolls, infused liberally with aloe vera. He insisted that he and his players receive the finest care possible, considering that 162 times a year they work their butts off to field a great team”.

“Well, the Wilpons, being the cheapskates that they are, told Terry he could ‘take his buttwipes and stuff them in his Pujols’ and told him that they wouldn’t supply anything but 1-ply RuffStuff brand, which, interestingly, is a company Jeff Wilpon has majority stakeholdings in. Terry threatened to walk, at which point the Wilpons realized that if he did, their only option to replace him would be Carl Everett, who currently manages their sub-rookie farm team, the Lake Minnetonka Purifiers. So, they agreed to compromise on two-ply”.

Stunned by this revelation, I thanked Bjork for his time, and went home to type this story out on my Commodore 64. There was no possible way this could have been made up – ‘Cottonelle Tender Cheeks’? It’s just too specific!

A Groundbreaking Medical Discovery That Demands Your Attention

November 16, 2014

By Dr. Clay P. Cilleputte

For years, a question has troubled the minds of doctors nationwide.

It’s kept many a medical researcher tossing and turning in tumult, night after night. Some have taken the quandary to their graves, others have been driven to madness in their fruitless, quixotic quest to uncover the truth.

Now, as 2014 comes to a close, the answer has been discovered, and I’m pleased to share with you the findings of my massive inquiry into the most important medical question of our time:

Yes, that’s right. I went on a cross-country tour of the United States to determine whether the fecal matter of my fellow countrymen (and women!) was consistent across the board or whether significant regional differences proved too great to overcome.

Here’s what I found, broken down by geographic area:

The Northeast 

I began my journey in my beloved hometown, Stamford, Connecticut, which I felt best represented the region as a whole. Situated in the New York metropolitan area while maintaining a proud New England heritage, Stamford exemplifies the ethnic diversity, bustling commercial activity, and hard-work ethic the Northeast has come to embody in American folklore. 
I examined the droppings of five anonymous Stamford natives and found some common themes: they were all of the solid, “loggy” variety, clearly the result of hard straining. In addition, they were quite rank in stench, almost as if the poops themselves wanted me to know they were there. 
In summation, Northeasterners’ B.M.s are proud, loud individuals – the product of hard work from stressful environments, much like the people who produced them. 
The South 
After sticking my nose into the rectal affairs of my fellow Northeasterners, I hopped in my trusty 1987 Chevrolet Nova (which, ironically, most people I know refer to as a ‘piece of sh*t”) and headed for Collierville, Tenn., a Memphis suburb which I had heard produces some of the most notable human refuse the American South has to offer.
I met with white-suited, bolo-tied James-Jim “Bob-Tom” Hatt-Field. We enjoyed a basket of fried chicken, hush puppies, and moon pie, all Southern favorites sure to produce a turd of sub-Mason Dixon perfection. 
“You know, in antebellum times, it used to be a tradition among land owners to sniff each other’s rear ends when attending social functions”, said Bob-Tom, who encouraged me to bend over and “waft his corn pone”. I politely declined, noting to myself that some people from the region sure liked to hang on to their fair share of antiquated, bizarre, and frankly stupid beliefs. 
Shortly after finishing his meal, Bob-Tom excused himself to his outhouse, producing a greasy, diffuse pile of dung indicative of the malnutritious, fat-filled meal he had consumed not long before. I did not spend long examining the sample as flies had begun to swarm the pot and I was struck with a sudden, strong urge to vomit. 
The Midwest
Though the Midwest, like the South, is a huge geographical area with many unique cultural pockets, I decided on Rochester, Minn., home of the world-renowned Mayo Clinic. Here, I would study the night soil of the region with Dr. Wendy Wendersonn, gastroenterologist and fellow appreciator of all things crap. 
Greeting me with the politeness that Minnesotans are famous for, Dr. Wendersonn began, “You know, if there’s one thing we Midwesterners have in common, it’s that we all like to work together and collaborate on things. There’s an old saying my Swedish ancestors were fond of –  ‘Don’t think you as an individual are better than us as a group’ – which is actually a paraphrasing of the Law of Jante, a law code that appears in an Aksel Sandemose novel which was meant to represent Scandinavians’ attitudes towards individual achievement”. 
“So, keeping that in mind, the sample I have for you today was produced not by one person but by a group: the Gnuddsson Farm of Bemidji, Minnesota, who stage a ‘s**t-in’ once a year on St. Olaf’s Day to commemorate their heritage”. 
We looked at the sample, which, in stark contrast to the hardscrabble, individual logs my friends form Stamford produced, was a massive, singular entity of impressive size, color, and smell, demonstrating the Midwestern commitment to face challenges as a collective. 
Impressed by the sample and the history lesson Dr. Wendersonn had provided, I thanked her for her generosity, to which she only responded, “Oh! You betcha”. 
The West

I had originally intended to break my studies of the Western United States up into two different and distinct areas: the Southwest, consisting of New Mexico, Arizona, and Southern California, and the Pacific Northwest, which would cover everything from Washington down to San Francisco, but as time and grant money were running short I had to lump the entire part of the country into one massive “shategory”. 
Seeking relief from the cold and snow of the Upper Midwest, my travels brought me to Los Angeles, Calif., where I met professional surfer and competitive pooper Chad Black. Black, who hails from Santa Barbara, has been competing in waste-producing contests since 2008. He describes the competitions as such: 
“Well, like, they’re just kinda these rad get-togethers where people who really like to drop a smash show up and do their thing, you know, man?” he asked me, preparing for his contribution to my study by downing a massive bean burrito from Del Taco.

Fifteen minutes later, Chad made a bee-line for the nearest cabana, where he constructed his masterpiece, affectionately nicknamed “Stinkberry”. The name, he explained, was derived from his tendency to poop out long turds that resemble soft serve ice cream. I mused that the consistency of the caca was mirrored the stereotype of southern California life: smooth, soft, and easy to produce. He nodded in assent, passing a loud fart for extra emphasis.


As I clunked back to Stamford in my Nova, I reflected on all that I’d learned during my travels. I’d met some interesting characters in my journey (some of whom espoused downright silly beliefs), but if one thing remained constant whether I was leaning over an outhouse in Tennessee or poring over a lab bench in Minnesota, it’s that essentially, all Americans are full of crap, and it all stinks. 
Dr. Cilleputte almost redeemed himself with that last line, but that last article of his – woof.   

The Avocado Reviews A Restaurant!

October 30, 2014
By Dan D.

Why is there a picture of a cat in a toilet?
Because it is awesome.
That is why.

I had the chance to evaluate P.T. Brown’s “Brown House” restaurant in Norwalk recently. Here are the results of my findings.


Mr. Brown has honed in on a very specific motif for his enterprise: the crude art of the toilet. 
The interior of his restaurant is adorned with reclaimed parts from port-a-johns, lending an atmosphere of cheap plastic. Strewn about the premises are pun-laden signs from different waste management companies around the country, some of the finest being Louisiana’s River Parish Disposal (“Our business stinks, but it’s picking up!”) and New York’s Call-A-Head (“We’re #1 at picking up #2”). 
Brown has left no stone unturned, focusing in on small details like farting cash registers and soup ladles made from upturned plungers.

The Brown House is primarily a vendor of soups, with the occasional stew thrown in for variety. Featured prominently are products with high fiber content, as Brown believes they are important for health and lend themselves well to his restaurant’s scatological atmosphere. 
His piece de resistance is a half-lentil, half-split pea soup which he calls the “Enema Special”. If the diner does not produce a stool within twenty-five minutes of consuming it, the meal is free. 
When asked whether he thought this was a risky business decision, Brown responded, “Try it – I think you’ll really be ‘bowelled’ over!” 
I ate a cup-sized portion and can attest that not only is the dish delicious, with flavor notes of cumin, cilantro, and a slight hint of cayenne pepper, but in fifteen minutes, the constipation I had been struggling with over the previous few days was alleviated. 

I was impressed with P.T. Brown’s waitstaff, a small but dedicated group of employees who Brown compensates well with good wages and generous benefits. 
They also seem to revel in their jobs – chefs are called “soupsmiths”, servers are encouraged to tell diners “You just got lay—–dled”, and bussers are allowed to pass gas wherever and whenever they want. 
Overall Impressions 

A weird, “soup”-premely kitschy joint with quality products and welcoming ownership, I was “throne” for a loop with how good the Brown House really was. A+. 
Oh God, now he’s got me doing it.

Local Entrepreneur’s Puns Stink

October 7, 2014
By Dan D., Avocado Food

I spent a lot of time on this, folks.
P.T. Brown shares initials with a Connecticut entrepreneur of lore. He also displays a flair for weird marketing materials.

Brown, who has been in the plumbing business for the past twenty years, recently decided to enter the restaurant, opening a family-style eatery in Norwalk specializing in soup.

The Brown House, which touts 50 different varieties of soup, opened this past weekend on Connecticut Avenue near the Post Road Diner. Brown, however, has leaned a little hard on bathroom innuendo in his advertising, understandable for a man who has spent the past two decades cleaning out folks’ pipes. 

The jokes, however, begun to arouse the ire of local interest groups.

“Mr. Brown’s advertisements are disgusting”, said Phyllis Byrone, who is on the board of the Fairfield County Committee For People Who Are Offended At Everything. “He shows no taste or tact and should be investigated by the FBI”.

Ms. Byrone is not referring to the federal law enforcement agency, but rather, the Fairfield Bureau of Innuendo, a county-wide watchdog that holds businesses – small and large alike – accountable for the jokes in their advertising.

“This latest ad Mr. Brown is running – ‘Come On Down, Don’t Be A Soupy Pants’ – this is unacceptably lame”, said “Sargent” Marie Bowers of the FBI. “We are taking action to make sure Mr. Brown squeezes out something better”.

The Brown House is offering rewards for loyal customers, which they call “Soup Heads”. 2 purchases will qualify a patron for the program, at which point they begin “diary-ing” (recording their meals in a logbook kept on company file) – their purchases at the restaurant. 
“Bad puns are my colon card”, said Brown when asked for comment yesterday. “The competition just can’t keep up…I rect ‘um'”.

That’s two pieces in a row about poop-themed marketing. I’m trying real hard this week, folks.

Pee Is The New Poop

October 2, 2014
By Dr. Clay P. Cilleputte, Avocado Health 

I’m sure most of you read the headline and went “oh, geez, Dan D., up to your silly toilet humor tricks again”, but this is very serious! They don’t call me Dr. Clay Playdoe Cilleputte for nothing! 
Many of you have heard of juice diets and their efficacy. I recall the Avocado ran a piece a while back that the “power lunch” has now become the “power juice break”. Juice diets are here to stay, and I’m here to tell you about one of their great new advantages: never having to poop. 
“But Dr. Cilleputte”, you protest, “everyone loves a good dump!” This may be true for you, but my intensive research in the field of bowel movement studies have proven that pooping reduces productivity, stretches out important colorectal muscles, and leaves a generally unpleasant smell. 
Consider for a moment the joys of a good pee. It’s mostly odorless, clean, and doesn’t require a dedicated space to perform. Also, there’s no debate as to whether both men and women pee – both do it! 
If you follow a strict juice diet, my research indicates you may never need to poop again. You can get all the nutrients you need from fruits, vegetables, and herbs. You know, “urine” luck for having come across this piece, because I sell a product that can take care of this for you. It’s called Dr. Clay Cilleputte’s All-Pee-No-Fecee Juicer, and for a one-time payment of $299.99 you can
Dan D. decided to cut off Dr. Cilleputte right here. Not only could I not disagree with him more about #2, this was about to become an infomercial for a product we cannot endorse. Looking for some more fleshed out Avocado goodness? Check out this article about sun farts that our friend and op-ed columnist Curtis M. Parvin wrote.

Stamford Responds To A Different Kind of Accident

August 12, 2014

Image courtesy and perhaps Shutterstock as well. 

By Avocado Staff, champions of the digital word 

Stamford rescue authorities were summoned to the Scofieldtown Road home of Jeremiah and Rebecca Higgenhogen early this morning to handle a serious accident, but were surprised when they arrived to find their services were needed for an emergency of a different kind. 

Mr. and Mrs. Higgenhogen had called 911 after their 7-year-old son, Josiah, did something he’d not done in five years: He soiled his pants. 

“We didn’t know what to do”, said Jeremiah. “Most second graders these days are toilet trained, so when little Josey let loose we weren’t sure if we should clean him like a baby or tell him he needed to take care of it himself”. 

 “I cried when Josey ran into the living room to announce what he’d done”, said Rebecca. “It recalled memories of dirty diapers and long nights spent calming him down. 

I can’t make him wear diapers. What would his friends say? I can’t spare him being the laughing stock of his elementary school”. 

 Josiah, however, seemed quite upbeat about the affair. We tried to interview him, but he could not stop laughing. 

The Avocado was able to retrieve a sample of the poop he produced, however, and can attest that it was significant. Initial impressions are that his underwear is unsalvageable. 

Stamford responders were generally irate at having to give their services to what they considered a very trivial affair. 

“Isn’t this piece just one long, drawn-out poop joke?” asked firefighter Julie Stravinskiey. And you didn’t attach your name to it because you’re afraid someone might get offended? 

This is stupid, Dan. Please, if you’re going to involve us in a story, make sure it’s worth reading.”

Josiah was, in the end, persuaded to clean himself, but medical examiners recommended he wear a diaper for 48 hours in the event of aftershocks.

– Dan D. may have contributed to the reporting of this article.